Planners events
Since the beginning of Linou's pots, I've been proudly collaborating and sponsoring the following Planner Events:
- Plansterdam in Amsterdam, 2016
- Malmö's Planner Meeting, 2016
- Planner Lovers Finland, 2018 & 2019
- Planertreffen, Dresden, 2018
- Bullet Planner Mega Meet up 2019
- PlannerCon Europe in Brussels, 2017 & 2019

Collaboration with Cocoa Daisy
Line from Linou's pots team, as illustrator, am very pleased to illustrate Cocoa Daisy December & Christmas kits 2019 and to also offer a complementary Linou’s pots December 2019 kit. Collaboration is exciting as it brings to the surface all kind of original ideas, new different articles and so on.